Effective Course Of Action In Regards To Business
It’s hard to always know the effective course of action as it regards trials and tribulations that occur every day in business. Whether the situation is related to the corporate community, ethical conduct, or the company’s moral obligations to the local or global community, knowing the most effective course of action is often guided by the senior management’s moral and ethical compass.
Federal Government Standards
Every member of the business is part of a community whether its 2 people or 2,000 on its staff. As such it has an obligation to regards others with common human courtesies and respect for individual space and property. The sanctioned correct course of action between workers and superiors, males and females, suppliers and vendors are usually formally spelled out in a company manual. The edits of the manual usually follow the basic guidelines as established by the federal government’s department of labor regarding acceptable work hours, pay rates, safety, and other workplace policies.
Ethical Conduct in Business
Business conduct is an art rather than a science. Sometimes knowing the most effective course of action as it regards dealing with suppliers and vendors is often guided by the senior management’s moral and ethical compass. Management’s values should also be formally spelled out in the company manual. The President or CEO of a company may want to make a formal statement in the company manual if ethics plays a major role in the company’s business. A bank, securities firm, accounting office or other transaction businesses might want to make a special effort to communicate its ethics policies to employees. In all businesses, there is an element of trust that is a given. The goal is for employees to know automatically what is expected of them from the corporation in ethical dilemma situations. Certainly, you want employees to feel free to counsel with others if needed without fear of company or individual retribution.
Global Obligations of Company
The world of business impacts the global community in profound ways. Each company must do its part to prove itself a responsible citizen of the global conscience. The company manual should dictate policy here as it regards recycling, reusing, and repurposing. Often adopting these “Green” practices results in savings for the company both in energy use and dollars. Energy improvements may help to energize a company’s basic mission, new product engine, and its employee base. Adopting green practices is a sure indication of an effective course of action for the company and its small piece of earth’s real estate.