In-Store Marketing Ideas

Marketers know the importance of marketing themselves in stores where consumers are confronted with a plethora of purchase options and where they are apt to make purchases based on unplanned buying impulses. There are dozens of in-store marketing ideas that are proved effective to boost the sales.
Some Great In-Store Marketing Ideas
A product’s package is the most basic means of marketing that product. Manufacturers go to package design specialists to develop packaging for products. The colors used on packaging, text readability, the extent of ergonomic design are all factors consumers use to evaluate products in a store. Product Packaging once developed rarely if ever changes, with some notable exceptions like Wheaties champion series. Unique packagings have helped establish some brands. “L’eggs Hosiery used an egg-shaped canister for its packaging and a special can
Product Sampling is a technique successfully used in stores to induce purchase. People who sample a product and have a very favorable experience are likely to buy a full-size container of the product. Food products are a natural sampled item in a store and warehouse stores like Costco, BJs and Sam’s Club have food sampling stations every few feet with lines of eager shoppers coming up to get a little sample.
Store Displays
Visual displays of merchandise is an important part of in-store marketing. Package design and goods presentation are important. Big marketers know the importance of end-aisle displays in supermarkets. Arranging merchandise aesthetically is a hallmark of large retail shopping stores like Bloomingdale’s and Macy’s. But even small marketers know the importance of shelf display activities to sales and work with local stores to achieve favorable positions on the shelf.
Personalized displays are a huge in-store marketing tactic if a possibility for a product. L’eggs Hosiery used an egg-shaped canister for its packaging and a special display unit to house them in. Packaging played a central role in the brand’s early success.
Collateral Materials
Some stores are kaleidoscopes of sights and colors of sales collateral materials. Ceiling tanglers, full die-cuts of standing figures, neon signs, adhesives on refrigerator cases as well as store windows and doors are all areas used for ancillary reminder messages at the point of purchase. Collateral materials development is usually directed by Sales department managers as those are the carriers of the main in-store sales message.
Multiple Placements
If a product has several ways it could be used or has some affinity for more than one product carried by the store, a store manager could attempt to have displays in multiple locations in the store. Steak Sauce, for instance, is found in both the Condiment section of grocery stores but increasing also in the Meat section near beef products.
Special Display
Personalized displays are a huge in-store marketing tactic if a possibility for a product. L’eggs Hosiery used an egg-shaped canister for its packaging and a special display unit to house them in. Packaging played a central role in the brand’s early success. Entenmann’s has a special display using end-aisle for its pastry goods. Some nu-wave fresh perishable drinks like Fresh Samantha have special in-store displays that although needed also work to attract customers.