Client Marketing Ideas

Marketing a client can be more of a challenge than marketing a product or service. Unlike the product whose features and benefits are unchanging, a real person’s image can change constantly for good or bad. As someone charged with the marketing of a client, there are some tactics that will put your client in the spotlight and show their better side as well. Some of the Client Marketing Ideas are given below.
Best Client Marketing Ideas:
Start a Foundation
People love people who take up a cause. Most of us don’t have the time or inclination to tackle the big problems of life and we admire when others do. If your client has a cause that they’d like to tackle, starting a foundation to raise money for the cause is an excellent
Charity Event Chair
If a client doesn’t want the long-term commitment of a charitable foundation, a good alternative is acting as chairman for a philanthropic event. Often by merely lending a famous name to an even can mean success in attracting higher patronage to the event. There are plenty of events taking place that your client can show up, have a nice dinner, socialize, and get marketing exposure.
Book Signing
If your client has written a book, you’ll need to schedule a series of tours to bookstores where the initial sales and awareness benefits sales of the book. Since you’re in a tour city, maximize their exposure. Contact local book clubs, social organizations like churches or education institutions to deepen their exposure.
TV Appearance
Flick to any television channel and you’re more than likely to see a reality show. These types of programs offer a way for your client to gain invaluable national exposure by being a contestant or judge.
Similarly, news and talk shows are always looking for subject matter experts. If your client has some special expertise, make sure the television stations in your area know of it and ask them for contact names at the major networks as well.
Radio Station Guest
Radio has become as much about talking as music these days. Radio stations competing in the same market are often vying for the best guests to join the local crew. Contact appropriate radio stations to see if there’s an opportunity for your client to make a guest appearance or even better be a co-host. For the right client, this might prove to be invaluable marketing exposure.
PR Kit
In our electronic age, we sometimes forget how valuable the old-fashioned public relations kit is to marketing a client. A bio, photograph, and several well-written articles, packaged nicely and snail mailed to media recipients can be refreshing and get exposure. Make sure the articles included are slanted in such a way to get picked up by the timely nature of their editorial.